Conversation Assignment States
- There are three tabs in the conversations section — Mine, Unassigned, and All.
- Conversations under Mine, Unassigned, and All are dependent on the chosen state (Open, Closed, Bot, etc).
- If the Conversation State is selected as Open, Resolved, Waiting, or Followup:
- Mine — Conversations under Mine are those that are assigned to the user who has logged in.
- Unassigned — Conversations under Unassigned are those to which no agent has been assigned. A few primary reasons for this:
- No agents are online at the moment
- Due to the chat concurrency settings (refer to this link for further info)
- All — Conversations under All are the total number of open chats for the selected inbox (this includes assigned, unassigned as well)
- If the filter is selected as Closed, then the above definitions will remain the same but all the numbers will be pertaining to the Closed state.
- If the filter is selected as Bot, then Mine will always be zero as all the chats handled by the bot will not be assigned to any agent. Unassigned and All will always be the same as all the chats handled by the bot will not have any agents assigned.