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Post Purchase Utterances

This sheet is used to document bot utterances for flows mostly related to Tracking and Cancelling.

1. How does it work?

The sheet contains 5 mandatory headers and 2 optional headers.

Below is the description and sample value for better understanding:

FlowOptionalThis is used to denote the part of the flow the utterance is related totrack
List of StatusMandatoryThe statuses for which the utterance will be usedinvalid
DescriptionOptionalDescription of the utteranceSends this message when invalid order ID is entered by the user
Message TemplateMandatoryThis is the text the company will provide which will be used by the botSeems like there is no tracking information for the provided details🙇‍♀️.

If you have just placed your order in the past few minutes, please wait for us to process the order.⏳
In the meanwhile, you can
ActionMandatoryAdd the action performed by the botaction_listen
ButtonsMandatoryIf there are any buttons attached to the utterance, add them hereTrack with another order ID
PayloadMandatoryAdd payload of respective button utterances attached to the ‘Buttons’/track_order

2. Sample Data


3. Reference

G-Sheet Input:


Bot Output:


4. Best Practices

  1. Try to add buttons wherever possible to make the flow interactive.
  2. Please map each button utterance with the right payload.