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Product Quiz

Product quiz G-Sheet contains the questions and answers for the quiz. We aim to create a product browsing quiz in less than 60 minutes with the help of existing csv quiz format.

Refer to this product quiz sheet of Wow Skin Science: WowSkinScience Bot Workflows

Identify Products to show on quiz

  • We are given top ~10-15 selling products
  • Checkout the categories on the website into which the products have been segregated.
  • Form a 2-3 step quiz, each question having not more than 5 options
  • Define the information to be displayed before the products are shown
  • Define the information to be shown below the product card

How to create a Product Quiz G-Sheet

  1. In the COMPANY Bot WorkFlows G-Sheet, add a new sheet named product quiz
  2. Follow along these instructions to fill in G-Sheet: How to populate Quiz on G-Sheet