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PDP Workflow

The PDP flow is triggered when a user enters the conversation from a Product Details Page (PDP) instead of the home page.

  • PDP flow in WhatsApp is triggered:
    1. If “is_first_message = true”
      • Entity extraction = product_name
    2. If “is_first_message = false”
      • Intent detected = get_info
      • Entity extraction = product_name
  • PDP flow for the widget is triggered if:
    • page URL mapped in entities.yml file under the product name, intent detected on the bot will be pdpflow

1. Implementation​

  1. What template/text message can be used to trigger the PDP flow in WhatsApp?

    The default template used is: Hey! I want to know about <product name>

    In case the default template is not used, train the intent get_info with the new template.


đź’ˇ The entry message for WhatsApp has to include the product name.

  1. How is the entry message for the widget different?

    The template in the case of the widget can be customized through the backend. No training is required because along with the message product URL is sent to the dashboard

  2. What is the column pdp_utterance used for?

    The column is found in the Product Utterance sheet, and it is used to include the text that is displayed along with the product card.

    It is considered best practice to maintain that column for the top products!

  3. How do I add buttons that are displayed with the product card?

    This can be done from the Card Buttons sheet in the company G-Sheet.

    1. Go to Card Buttons sheet in company G Sheets.
    2. Update three columns namely:
      1. Tag : use “show_product_card_buttons” as a slug
      2. Button utterance: the text displayed on the button (c)
      3. Button payload: the actual intent slug in use. Check the intents and their corresponding slugs here

2. Miro Workflow​
